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Dev Debate
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Cover Image for Best Practices for Test Doubles

Best Practices for Test Doubles

A comprehensive guide on test doubles and how they can help you become a better software engineer. Explore the best practices for using test doubles effectively to enhance your software engineering techniques.

Read now >
Danthdev Profile Pic

Let me introduce myself:

Dan the Dev

Discover my coaching philosophy and approach to learning and training. Join me on a journey to understand how I can help you and why I can be the ideal guide to elevate your software development journey.

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Why choose coaching:

🔹 Personalized Guidance: Receive one-on-one support tailored to your unique needs and objectives.

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Vittorio Migliore

Software Engineer

"Well-structured and accessible"

The workshop has been an excellent overview on TDD and OOP to write higher quality code.

The practical exercises (katas) were very helpful, and I found the educational material well-structured. Additionally, Daniele made the content accessible even to those who were not familiar with these topics.

Increased awareness and ability to apply TDD and best OOP practices in real-world contexts.


Kevin Imerti

Junior Full stack Web Developer

"Authentic and engaging"

The best benefit is having a non-technical perspective (as Daniele points out) but a more "general" one. In fact, Daniele has the ability to explain and motivate the other person, enriching the discussion with examples of past experiences.

This kind of conversation shows Daniele's empathy, that is able to engage the mentee to ask many questions. In short, it creates a comfortable environment for any kind of chat, which is amazing.

The main benefit after each session is a sort of determination and indirect push from Daniele to commit anything you're uncertain about and overcome the barriers posed by a problem.